Essay On Gun Control In America

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Gun control in America has been a dramatic ongoing debate for many years. Since the time of the writing of our Constitution, it has been the legal right for a law-abiding citizen to own and possess firearms. Whether it be for hunting, sports, self-protection or to protect our rights from a tyrannical government, The citizens of the United States have a right to own guns.
Within recent years, there have been several “mass” shootings that have taken place. This has made the debate more intense. Several school shootings have taken place as well as shootings in other public places. With so many laws pertaining to gun purchasing and ownership already, how can we have so much gun violence? Are more laws necessary to prevent more gun crimes from happening? If …show more content…

Taking a look at state and national statistics on gun crime and violence there seems to be differing numbers depending on the source. Coming across actual facts on gun violence and gun laws has been quite the challenge.

While searching the web for information for and against added gun laws, I came across a news article from News Day. In their article “Strict Gun Control in America Will Never Work”, the author talks about how the “anti-gunners” believe the 2nd amendment should be altered or outright abolished. Although many who want the government to impose harsh gun laws have their hearts in the right place, the evidence clearly shows gun-control laws don’t work, and even if they did, they could never realistically be enforced nationwide, states Justin Haskins. Gun-control advocates believe that if laws made it much more difficult to purchase firearms and if more firearms were banned, people would be safer. But when based on state-level crime data, this claim is false. Many of the states with the lowest crime rates, including homicide