Persuasive Essay On Gun Control Pros And Cons

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Gun control is a law that regulates the making, selling, and possessing of firearms. Part of the government and society say there should be gun control laws that rid all firearms due to the recent amount of school shootings and massacres in the present day and age. Although the idea has a significant amount of pros, it has an even greater amount of cons. The act will take the number one personal defense choice away from citizens which will increase the chance of losing property, valuables, and possibly their life. Although it will be established to protect people, there is no guarantee the law will take firearms away from criminals. As a result, crimes against citizens who have no way to protect themselves will end in greater issues. Another …show more content…

Crawling out of bed, making way to the door, and peeking down the hall, there is a man in all black walking into the children’s room with a gun grasped tight in his hand. Unable to defend the house after a strict gun control act is passed, the criminal is able to roam the house freely, shooting and killing anyone in the way. This is one main reason our founding fathers passed the second amendment, which says people have the right to bear arms, in 1789 (“Second Amendment”). With the strict act against guns, Americans will see a dramatic increase in burglary, theft, and many more possible fatal crimes. After research was done, “Where you have the most armed citizens in America, you have the lowest violent crime rate. Where you have the worst gun control, you have the highest crime rate” (Nugent). According to the Violence Policy Center a total of 114,000,000 victims had been part of a violent or property crime from 2007-2011. This proves that crimes are happening all around us and in order to protect families, the ownership of guns and other weapons are a necessity. It seems as if the government believes if there are gun control laws, it will provide the safety of citizens by taking the weapons away from