Essay On Gun Safety

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As a young and involved citizen, I would like to voice my thoughts, concerns, and opinions on the current gun policies that are being held in the state of Georgia. Currently, people do not have to have any of their firearms registered. It’s not very common, only seven states don’t require gun registration and Georgia is one of them. I believe that it could help increase gun safety if people have to have all of their guns registered in a database. Although it would take more time and work to register all the guns in the state to their correct owners, it’s a step that has many positive outcomes. Having every gun in the state matched up the correct owner would be extremely beneficial to our police officers. This would aid their police investigations greatly by being able to trace guns back to their owners. Although this seems excessive, registering all the guns and firearms would be very beneficial and helpful not only to the police …show more content…

For example, if any type of gun or firearm is left at a crime scene or wherever a shooting is involved, the police would be able to trace the gun back to the owner. This could be possible by having every gun issued with a serial number, and this number would match up to the current owner of the gun. This is a technique used by the police force and I think it needs to be implemented into our state for all citizens to follow. It could also be helpful in situations where warrants migth be involved, the police will know exactly how many firearms a person owns so they know what they are searching for. The same goes for when they have a criminal suspect; the police will have the knowledge of what weapons the person has access to. Another benefit is that since all guns would be registered, it would stop criminals who are trying to illegally obtain a gun or buy