Essay On Gun Violence

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Stopping Gun Violence Gun, a weapon known to man for protection. Unfortunately is has been manipulated to take the lives of citizens young and old. This weapon has found its way into many businesses but especially schools. Students have been shot and killed from the misuse of guns. School officials, law makers, and the legislature is in control of stopping gin violence in schools. Solutions to this problem are, restricting guns, safety courses, and higher security. Gun violence has many effects on American schools. One of the main effects of Gun Violence is Death. According to The Nation’s Health newspaper, “more than 33,000 people died from gun violence alone in 2014” ( qtd in Wahowaik 199). A lot of innocent lives are being taken due to gun violence. The next big effect of gun violence in schools is fear. According to President Obama, “Common sense steps” would be made to “prevent gun violence” and “protect our children and community from tragic mass shootings” (qtd in Jasper 1) Students are becoming scared to attend school because of the fear of being shot. According to Cobe Williams, “I lost a lot of friends to gun violence-a lot of friends locked up”(qtd in Truesdsell 71) Finally, and probably the biggest effect is less freedom. By being involved with gun violence means that one may end up in jail with no rights or …show more content…

By doing this a safer environment will be created. Making guns harder to get or making the rules to have a gun more complex could also help. The reason this solution wouldn’t be the best is because people would find more ways to get more guns. Some may even try to appeal against the rules because of the thought of their rights being took. According to The New American article, “Gun rights advocates who think they can preserve the Second Amendment while sacrificing other parts of the Constitution are sadly mistaken; it must be defended in toto or it will be lost in toto” (qtd in Jasper