Gun control is a topic that has been hot for a while now, whether to ban the use of owning a gun or to simply own one. In this day of age, school shootings are becoming more and more popular, but will gun control stop the number of deaths from rising? Or will show an increase of amounts of deaths involving gun wounds.
Carrington, Peter J; Moyer, Sharon. The American Journal of Psychiatry151.4 (Apr 1994): 606-8. Two Canadian professor’s made a study to see if gun control effect happening in
Ontario, Canada would reduce men committing suicide in the 5-year span since it taking effect. This took place around 1973-1978 and the studies showed that there was no difference in the number of suicides with gun control taking effect. Gun control did
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Would stronger gun rights would’ve saved these people? There was a poll in 2014 that stated that people were in favor of stronger gun rights than to control them. With that being said, there’s a point in the article that states the US has made a bullet that can pierce through any top of armor a cop is wearing, now fast forward, what could happen if it stolen by a criminal? The damage and destruction that could’ve been caused, and even so, the more deaths it could spark. Not only would this person have it, but he could also sell it off to someone else and make a profit off this, doing so, would send the whole world spiraling and going insane. Gun control would not only spark the increase of violence, but would allow criminals to be more creative on how to kill someone. As Ethan explains, there is no specific way to solve this, there will be many sides that aren’t happy with the results of a gun control or gun rights, but the results will remain the same, mass shootings and school shootings will only increase as it is not impossible to obtain a firearm. Kansas is the 5th state that doesn’t require any training or permit to obtain a