Essay On Gun Violence In America

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Every day, eighty lives are taken by gun violence. According to the Constitution of the United States of America, specifically the Second Amendment, citizens have a right to bear arms. This states that citizens of the United States have a right to own a gun (for security and leisurely activities) and can use that gun however they desire to (with some restrictions), but it may be consequential in the end. This can be worrisome for many because some people are not fit to have control over a weapon such as a gun. Gun violence is a very prevalent issue in the United States today. There are many present-day school shootings, robberies, and self-defense cases all throughout the United States ("Guns in America | Facts and Statistics about Firearms in the USA"). Americans have mixed views on gun control. However, the main view is strongly based on the Second Amendment. There is a large number of people who believe that having a gun …show more content…

“By constructing careful statistical models and deploying a wealth of crime data he (John Lott) shows that laws permitting the carrying of concealed weapons actually lead to a drop in crime in jurisdictions that enact them. [...] ‘Women on average are weaker and more vulnerable to attack than men; the possibility that women may have a gun thus provides her with greater marginal deterrence” (McGinnis, "More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws"). This being said, many people find it acceptable for women to carry a firearm. As previously stated, the firearm is mainly used for self-defense, as having a gun can bring a certain calmness upon people, but just because someone has a gun does not mean that they will be willing to use that gun against someone. While school shootings (or school massacres) have been going on nationwide, there have been more calls for gun control to insure that these massacres do not happen

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