Essay On How To Prevent Mass Shootings

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Making Our World A Safer Place
Mass shooting rates have increased since the year 2000, and they are quickly becoming a part of the American way of life(Mass Shooting Are On The Rise, 2013). There are many possible solutions to preventing these tragedies but many of these solutions also have people that will strongly oppose them because they affect their way of life. For instance one way to prevent mass shooting is too tighten up on gun laws but people would say that is a restriction of their personal right to own and use a firearm. This has stopped bills from being passed before because the house was too evenly divided. If congress cannot find a solution that will be suffice to the entire public then the rate of mass shootings will not be going down anytime soon. Mass murder shootings have become a bigger problem since 2000 because of lack of restriction on gun laws(Mass Shootings Are On The Rise, 2013). Mass shootings can be stopped by an increase in security around schools and airports. By restricting guns Even after the events of September 11, 2001 the government took time to improve the security around airports by adding metal detectors and other means of searching …show more content…

(How Can We Stop Mass Shootings,2015). By banning guns from being in media and entertainment then it would stop young kids from being influenced. This would stop children from trying to be something like soldiers and enacting it out in real life. Why do we let our children and young teens play games that award them for taking another person’s life? (How Can We Stop Mass Shootings,2015) This kind of action or involvement should not be awarded even in a virtual reality. This tells the player in some way, being mentally or subconsciously tells the players that they are accomplishing a goal or obtaining points. This could then transfer over to their actual life, which translates to mass