
Essay On Hunting In America

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Today, America is divided between those who enjoy hunting and those who see it as a pointless hobby. The question of hunting for sport has been a long discussed debate between the two parties. While those who support hunting see it as a way of life, those against hunting see it as a cruel environmental devastation. The end of this ongoing debate would be a good contribution to making the world a far more sustainable place to live. Today, we live in a world in which hunting causes terrible suffering for many animals, along with negative results for the environment and for our country as a whole; hunting in the United States needs to be abolished once and for all, but more importantly, hunting regulations must be enforced immediately.
Many Anti-Hunting …show more content…

As much as people who love animals and all wildlife hope to see an end to hunting, it is no secret that their wishes will not be achieved easily. Fortunately for anti-hunting enthusiasts, the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, better known as PETA, is a top animal rights association that works to provide truthful points to help put an end to hunting. One of PETA’s strongest points against hunting is that “Hunting disrupts migration and hibernation patterns and destroys families. For animals such as wolves, who mate for life and live in close-knit family units, hunting can devastate entire communities” (Why Sport Hunting Is Cruel and Unnecessary). Hunting has a large effect on ecosystems and can be catastrophic to certain species. As a result, this affects not one type of species, but all the others who benefit from that that particular animal. Even worse, “hunting has contributed to the historical extinction of animal species all over the world” (Hunting—“The murderous business”). That detriment has affected not only the United States, but also countries around the world. Due to hunting, some animals that can be seen today soon may never walk the earth

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