Essay On Importance Of Ecology

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The term “Ecology” is made up of two Greek words. Oiky means “house” and logy means “study”. The term “ecology” is coined by Ernst hackle a German biologist in 1866. While Humboldt is known as “Father of Ecology”. Ecology is interdisciplinary science. Ecology is that branch of science developed by scientists to make study easier about relationship between biotic components/living things and their physical environment(abiotic factors). And ecosystem (an environment where living things live and interact with non-living things such as coral reef, forest, grassland) is basically a part of concept of ecology in an organized view of nature. Ecology is not synonymous with environment and environmentalism. It also seeks to understand the vital connections …show more content…

Ecology basically shows the population growth, interaction of organisms with physical environment, origin of biological diversity and also shows the competition between the species. It also shows the life processes, adaptations, movement of materials through living communities, and successional development of ecosystems. Importance of ecology contains a wide array of interacting levels of organization spanning micro-level(cells) to a planetary level (e.g …show more content…

These crisis include globalwarming ,urbanization, deforestation, N2o production, pollution, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, ocean acidification etc. These problems can be combat through scientific measures, human measures and movement. Ecological crisis occurs when environment of population changes in a way that it destabilizes its continued survival. It may be the situation becomes unfavourable to the quality of life due to raise in no of individuals (overpopulation),may be it is due to the increased predation or less rainfalls