
Essay On Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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”Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”. Like Atticus at Tom Robinson’s trial, he was trying to change the town for the better also teach Scout and Jem that change isn’t bad but good. Scout has changed the most since the beginning of the book. In the book Scout was innocent and naive, but at the ending of the book she has lost most of her innocents because of the events happening around her. First, Scout has changed most in the novel from her innocence. For example, Scout claims, “I asked Atticus why, and he said it was because the national Recovery Act was dead. I asked who killed it, he said nine old men” (pg 251). Thus, this shows how Scout began to mature by the way she talks to Atticus. By saying this Scout changed throughout the book by maturing and growing up to become a young lady from her innocence. …show more content…

For instance, Scout claims, “Well, if everybody in Maycomb knows what kind of folks the Ewells are they’d be glad to hire helen… what’s rape, Cal” (pg )? Scout is being naive when she asked Calpurnia what’s rape because she doesn’t knows what it means. By saying this Scout changed throughout the book by maturing and growing up to become a young lady from her being naive and getting to know what things mean. While some people thinks Jem has evolved most throughout the book, however he did not change as much as Scout. For example, Jem claims, “ If there’s just one kind of folks, why can’t they get along with each other? If they’re all alike, why do they go out their way to despise each other” (pg 227)? Some people would say that Jem has changed throughout the book because he’s been asking questions that are not like a kid would ask an adult. For saying this some people think that Jem has changed throughout the book more than

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