The Pros And Cons Of Intersectional Feminism

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“We are the granddaughters of the witches you couldn’t burn” -Tish Thawer. What started as a Hawaiian grandmother’s facebook post on the loss of Hillary Clinton’s loss in the Presidential election, ignited a worldwide phenomenon that united all people of different colors, religion, and sexuality. Women’s March is a liberation that supports all women, no matter who they are. Despite feminism existing since the beginning of time, women have always gone through degradation and hate. Schools need to educate students about the liberation of women’s rights because it gives students the reason to join the advocation of women, the differences between feminists and feminazis, and provides a more in-depth view about intersectional feminism. Particularly, schools do teach their students small bits about the liberation of women within their walls; however, they rarely touch on the subject of the legal side of …show more content…

Moreover, Intersectional feminism opens the door for oppressed women who are different from the overly white, middle class, cis-gendered and able-bodied women who claim to “want power for all women”, but will not advocate and let her privilege be called out by a woman of a different race. Another key point is that though people of white decent cannot be oppressed in the ways that a person of color can be, they can use their privilege to bring light upon the people who need help. If society would shine more light on the oppressed women of the world, then they could understand the trauma and heartbreak it feels like to not be treated equally to a woman of the Caucasian