Importance Of Intersectionality Definition

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Intersectionality Definition Intersectionality is a sociological theory that defines a number of threats of discrimination when a person’s identity differs with several other minority groups including age, ethnicity, race, health, and so forth.( Hancock,2016). Intersectionality seeks to explain why these aspects of humanity cannot be separated and they are all related. For instance, a trans-woman of color may face discrimination in various capacities of her life, more so at work. The threat to violence and discrimination is increases due to the fact that she is of color and transgender at the same time. This discrimination at its highest level is portrayed through threats to violence, racism and misogyny. Intersectionality can be traced back to the ignorance and homophobia currently surrounding trans-identity. Intersectionality can be a powerful tool to unmask problems that arise from perceiving discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, age or even religion as all related and forming intersections with each other. …show more content…

While defining situations, it is almost inevitable to be misunderstood, and intersectionality assists in setting the bar and explaining the various human rights violations currently facing minority groups in different aspects of