Essay On Is American Society Too Competitive

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Has American society become too competitive? Is American society too competitive? When we think about American society, do you think about how competitive it is? Of course, there are many countries that are extremely competitive but America thrives on competition. At a very young age children are pressured into working hard in mostly sports and academics. As we grow up we see that it continues getting more and more competitive, but why? Many may disagree and say that there are other countries that are much more competitive while others agree and say that America is an extremely competitive society. Furthermore, people can see both sides of those who disagree and agree, as it is difficult to decide. Regardless of what others claim, American …show more content…

Though a great number of people would disagree with my statement, saying that American society isn't competitive would be false as there have been many incidents that show how far American society would go just to show how competitive they are. In the early 200’s, it was easier to get into college than trying to get into college now. The reason is because American society wasn't as competitive as it is now in the current year, meaning that it is more difficult to get into a good college. Jordan Helmbrecht says that “Oftentimes, we can owe a great deal of our success to the standards of competition; it pushes us to achieve the most we can. However, in recent times, I feel like the level of competition is on a constant upward increase, meaning society is constantly becoming more and more competitive. When a new product has its big debut, the next best thing is usually just days behind. The competition within society is constantly running, and honestly, it might be sending our generations into unhealthy areas.” Many people disagree, saying that competition is needed for us to stay motivated. They believe that …show more content…

In the past few years there has been more and more people being unemployed even though they are qualified for a job. Many jobs will say that they are hiring but when you come in and get interviewed and are qualified for the job, you don’t get it as there is another person that is seemingly more qualified than you. Jordan Helmbret says that “Another example is life after college: real life and real