Essay On Laryngectomy

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Chapter 1
1.1 Inspiration
The human Larynx consist of the glottis and the vocal cords, thus any malignant (cancer) cells formation in the larynx tissue affects the voice modulation capabilities. This malignant of the larynx is called as laryngeal cancer, which is one of the most common cancers in the world. In 1996, an estimate of 190,000 newly diagnosed cases of laryngeal cancer was found worldwide, which accounted for 1.8 percent of all new cancers (WHO, 1997). From these cases about 60 percent were located in developing nations including India and other Asian countries. In India, this incidence of laryngeal cancer has been found to be 1.3 to 8.8 per 1,00,000 population, in six different regions of the country (ICMR, 1992). The main reasons if the cancer includes chewing of tobacco and alcohol consumption apart from the genetic characteristics. Thus people from lower socio economic classes are more susceptible to laryngeal cancer, and the treatment of which they can hardly afford.
Only treatment available in case of advance laryngeal cancer is laryngectomy which involves surgical removal of part or the …show more content…

When the larynx is removed, the top of the trachea immediately below the larynx is attached to a permanent opening made in the throat called a stoma. It is through this opening that the laryngectomee breathes. Laryngectomy could be done in partial removal and total removal. In case of total removal of larynx, the voice is lost completely and the patient now relies on ways of artificial speech. Study shows that the out of the total surgery 66.23% of patient required total laryngectomy for cancer treatment [60%].
2.4 Voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomee
With the voice box removed the patient can’t use the voice tract in normal speech. There are three distinct types of other speech methods available for the patient.
2.4.1. Esophageal

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