Essay On Launching The Civil Rights Movement

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Pg. 132-141 Politics in Action: Launching the Civil Rights Movement • One of the most well-known events in Civil Rights was Rosa Park’s objection on a public bus. o A white man got on the bus and the driver ordered a row of African Americans to move simply because of the law. o However, Rosa Parks refused and was willingly arrested to spread a message to those around her. o This event symbolized the first steps towards the Civil Rights Movement: the use of protest and court cases to finally bring an end to segregation. • Yet, the one thing that finally got the government’s attention was Martin Luther King Jr.’s campaign to boycott public bus transportation. o The issue finally arrived within the Supreme Court and they made this illegal; at least in Alabama for the time being. o …show more content…

• Civil Rights- Policies designed to protect people against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government officials or individuals. • In fact, there are various types of segregation that have occurred over the many years: o Racial: Arguments and laws that have gone against people’s skin color have resulted in the most well-known court cases to remove all discrimination from the Constitution; affirmative action still remains under investigation o Gender: As discussed in previous chapters, The Equal Rights Amendment was never passed for women, meaning their rights are not directly stated within the law of the land. o Age and Disabilities: As time is moving forward, more groups of people like elders, gays, lesbians, and mentally challenged want in on their protection as well from society’s laws. The Struggle for Equality • This fight for true equality has been one of the biggest factors in molding how our society behaves today. o However, the truth of the matter is that if one wishes to achieve equality in their communities they require too

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