Essay On Leisure And Leisure

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CHAPTER TWO Conceptual Overview of Leisure and Recreation The meaning of the word ‘leisure’ is contested. There is no single and specific univocal defintion yet available in the leisure and recreation literature. Leisure refers both time and activity. Since humans’ interacttion with nature, and among themselves vary across age, martial status, scio-economic condition, race, religion, time, cluture and so on, it is not psossible to provide a single and univocal definition of leisure. In the following section I am gointg to present a brief discusssion of leisure and recreation. Traditionally lesisure refers to ‘free or unobligated time that involve no work or any life-sustaining functions (Leitner et al., 2012:3), the time free from occupation, job, or engagement with any kind of work (Brightbill, 1960:3). In other words, freedom from obligation of doing or not doing something is leisure (Hendon, 1981:28). So, leisure denotes a time dimension, and generally that time which is left over after work, sleep and personal and family chores (Boniface et al., 1990:1). Leisure is one’s own subordination. Leisure time is synonymous with free time or self-willed time. A study on leisure and recreation of Dhaka city dwellers, Haque (2001) observes leisure as time spent for pleasure by one’s own judgment which is left after life …show more content…

Compensatory and recuperative leisure are both chosen for reasons having to do with what the activity is expected to do for self. Compensatory leisure is recognized as a desirable contrast to work constraints and conditions. A walk in the woods or a drive in the country may be seen as compensatory by an office or factory worker. Recuperative leisure is also negatively conditioned by employment or other required activity to provide rest and relaxation rather than positive stimulus, growth, excitement, self-expression, or sense of accomplishment. Often the choice of television is due to its relaxing and undemanding nature as well as