
Essay On Loneliness And Alienation

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2. RESEARCH QUESTIONS: 1. What are the different forms of loneliness and alienation? 2. What are the factors that led to a sense of loneliness and alienation? 3. What are the effects of loneliness and alienation? 4. How do lonely and alienated individuals approach life? 5. How do individuals cope up with loneliness and alienation? 6. To what degree can one withstand the effects of loneliness and alienation? 3. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: • To determine the causes and types of loneliness and alienation. • To evaluate the effects of loneliness and alienation. • To examine the factors influencing Loneliness. • To explore coping mechanisms for loneliness and alienation. In order to arrive at the 1st objective the following parameters would be studied: …show more content…

Here, surrounded by people of a similar age and, supposedly, with lots in common one can nevertheless feels wretchedly isolated and awkward. This is made worse by the sight of others who seem perfectly at ease, are rapidly making friends and are becoming embedded in groups from which one feels excluded or only tolerated on the margins. Looked at from another angle, however, it is not surprising that loneliness at college and universities is common especially among first year students. Coming to college and is a major stage in 'leaving home'. It may indeed be the first time one is away not just from the supportive familiarity of home and family, but away also from friendships that may have been built up over years. For some students leaving home and coming to college involves a number of changes: in lifestyle, work patterns, and degree of independence. The accumulated effects of these can make people feel uncertain of what to do or how to be. Social insecurities can then creep in, even in people who normally feel quite socially adept. So, for some, loneliness is a new and disconcerting experience, while for others it is more

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