
Essay On Love In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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New love is dangerous because it can turn anybody irrational, even to the point of contemplating death. In the play, “Romeo and Juliet”, by William Shakespeare, which is set in Verona, Italy, in the late 1500’s, a fourteen year old boy named Romeo Montague and a thirteen year old girl named Juliet Capulet see each other and instantly fall in love. When they profess their love for each other, Juliet asks Romeo if he actually loves her. He swears on it by the moon. Juliet sadly responds, “O swear not by the moon, th’ inconstant moon, that monthly changes...thy love prove likewise variable”(2.2, 109-111). After some time talking to Romeo however, she excitedly exclaims, “All my fortunes at thy foot I’ll lay, and follow thee throughout the world”(2.2, 147-148). Love is slowly warping Juliet’s mind. At first, she starts out thoughtful and the more reasonable of the two, and then suddenly, she goes under the influence of new love. Her mind …show more content…

One of the studies he cites is from Dr. Helen Fisher, who works at Rutgers University. She explains, “When rejected, some people contemplate stalking, homicide, suicide. This drive for romantic love can be stronger than the will to live”(Carey). New love can also lead to death, whether it be murder, suicide, or homicide. New love is dangerous, as love can make us do extremely unpredictable things which, according to Fisher and Carey, can include death. Love will not always necessarily lead to death, as it is the highest extreme, but death is still a real possibility that could occur and is a key reason why new love is very dangerous. William Shakespeare argues that love can turn logical people, in his case Juliet, irrational. Carey would agree, and is also able to add on to Shakespeare’s argument. He states the extreme this irrationality can go to, which is death. Together, they can both concur that love is extremely

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