
Essay On Man Vs. Fate Conflict In Romeo And Juliet

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Man vs. Fate Conflict in Romeo and Juliet I believe man vs. fate is the central conflict to ¨Romeo and Juliet¨. One of the least important details to show is how Romeo and his friends go to Juliet´s party. He finds Juliet dancing, and immediately fell in love. At this point, they don´t know who each other are just yet. By the end of the party, they are forced to go separate ways. Juliet asks for the nurse to find out his name, and as they talk he asks for Juliet´s as well. They are both distraught to find that their families have been enemies for a very long time, but they decide to love one another anyways. A slightly more important detail to reveal is how after they fall in love they must communicate through the nurse. Soon after Romeo goes to friar lawrence and tells him he wants to marry Juliet. The friar agrees to help, and they marry in secret. They actually believe they can live happily ever after now. After the marriage, they quickly go separate ways. Unfortunately, as Romeo goes home he runs into Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, who wants to fight. because Romeo did not want to fight Marcutio fights in his place but ends up dying. In a fit of rage Romeo jumps in and in turn kills Tybalt. When the Prince of Verona finds out, he banishes Romeo to never return. …show more content…

She forgives Romeo for it and is desparate to find a way to be with him. Her nurse and her parents betray her, so she has no one left to turn to but the friar. The friar came up with a plan to fake Juliet’s death with a sleeping potion, then have romeo sneak in and take her with him whn she wakes up. The plan doesn't work. Due to misinformation Romeo beleives Juliet has actually died and takes his own life next to Juliet’s sleeping body. Only a few moments later Juliet wakes up and seeing him dead kills herself

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