Essay On Mexican Minorities

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Minorities in the U.S,between 1900 - 1950, feared tremendous, social, economic, and political oppression due to their citizenship. Now all of the treatment that Mexicans would face had to do with their geographical location. On the other hand, in one region they can be considered white and given comparable treatment. On the other hand, that same Mexican in another place could easily be considered black, and by consequence be treated as a color person. Most of the racial boundaries that Mexicans would face had to do with their workplace. For instance, some would be treated better than others because of their skin color. Despite of Mexicans being considered both white and color, there still existed some racial boundaries regarding their citizenship. According to …show more content…

Most of the freedom a Mexican had, came from their skin color as well.In fact, Mexicans with lighter skin had the opportinity to hold a high social status, while darker skin Mexicans had been “denied the rights of a free white person”. Nonetheless, the geographical location played a huge role for Mexicans too. According to the author Julie M. Wiese, poor Mexicans faced significant barriers when trying to achieve social mobility, and generally defaulted to the status of non-white. Most of the Mexicans that would remain in the South would be located either in New Orleans or in the Mississippi Delta. Mexicans that would migrate to New Orleans, mostly came from the Gulf Coast of Mexico, they would arrive in ships, who came mostly owned by fruit companies. While on their journey to New Orleans, Mexicans travelled with their blood relatives, whereas those who were European immigrants would usually rode on ships with people who got classified as white, as well. However,those who migrated to Mississippi Delta, would

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