Informative Essay: More Technology In Schools

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More Technology In Schools
Technology is big deal nowadays, Apple went from the small, bulky Iphone 3g to the Iphone X in the matter of 8 years! Since technology is evolving so much, why not put it in schools? Students don’t seem very excited about school these days, but they’re all about technology so, when more technology is implemented into classrooms, it might be more interesting for them, and what teacher doesn’t want their students to be more excited about school? There should be more technology implemented schools because it will get students more engaged, it won’t put textbook companies out of businesses, and it will get younger students more excited about school. Nathan, 10 years old, with sensory processing disorder (SPD), a disorder that makes a person angry very easily or sensitive to things, they are also extremely attached to things they like, such as technology. He likes to do things on his Ipod and computer because he is attracted to the touch screen, lights, and sounds they make. He loves to use technology because it keeps him focused. Technology is especially good for students with disorders or disabilities because they mentally and physically enjoy the feeling of it. There should be more technology implemented into schools because it will get students more engaged. Especially students …show more content…

“The energy in the room is contagious as students collaborate, design, and learn by experimentation and physical involvement (Lentz 1). When a 1st grader sits at their desk and sees a worksheet and/or the cool, ew tablets, which do you think the student will be most excited about? Getting more technology will save space as well, “Limited space, supplies, and human resources” (Lentz and Boe 1). If teachers can get rid of extra supplies that the one single laptop or tablet has, it will save tons of space. Technology will save space and get young students more excited about