Essay On Panoramic Photography

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Panoramic Photography Essay Panoramic photography, which is essentially “an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions” (, 2015), has grown tremendously since its origins in the 1940’s and with the forever-growing technology of today there are many new and innovative ways of capturing large area panoramic images. In this tutorial I will be discussing panoramic photography and the history behind this photographic style. I will also be discussing the techniques and equipment used for such photography as well as an overview of well know practitioners who have mastered these techniques. Not long after the development of the first camera in 1839, the desire to capture large areas such as; cityscapes and landscapes …show more content…

235 (E size) P&P Photographer George Barnar captured some of the earliest panoramic images ever recorded. According to (The Library of Congress, 2015) “Barnard's panoramas were printed from two or more wet-plate glass negatives that were exposed in a conventional camera. The "wet-plates" had to be coated with an emulsion, sensitized, exposed, and developed in the field while the plates were still wet. After each exposure, the camera was rotated to the next section of the panorama to make a new negative”. In the late nineteenth century, cameras began to be produced specifically for panoramic photography. These cameras were either swing-cameras, the process where the lens rotated while the film stood stationary, or three hundred and sixty degree cameras, which was the process of the film and lens rotating simultaneously. Shortly after this invention, Kodak mass-produced the first commercial panoramic camera, which could be used by most amateur photographers, the #4 Kodak Panoram panoramic camera. This camera worked off the swing-lens principle without the need for a tripod and produced images no larger than twelve inches long with little less than a one hundred and eighty degree