Similarities Between Ezra Shaw And Neil Leifer

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Sports photographers have many obstacles to overcome as fast paced moving targets are not as easy to capture a still object. Ezra Shaw and Niel Leifer are the masters of capturing sports in action. Both Leifer and Shaw are world renowned. Leifer has taken many of the most iconic photos in the history of all sports, although his most famous shot was of Muhammad Ali standing over Sonny Listen II after knocking him out. Ezra Shaw is also a well-known sports photographer and is known for the game winning shot in the 2016 NBA finals. Obtaining the perfect shot is a skill that takes patience and talent that both photographers have in excess.
Sports photographers are not given any time to take a picture unlike nature photographers, they cannot interfere …show more content…

Neil Leifer began his photography career in 1960, long before digital photography was available. Other techniques and lenses have changed throughout time. For example, digital photography and fisheye lenses were not options available in the sixties. Ezra Shaw began his career in 1998. Ezra Shaw took his most famous picture in 2016 while Neil Listen capture his iconic shot in 1964. The two shots had an incredible 52 year difference, which is a huge change in technology of the cameras both men were using as well as the different techniques that have been learned or perfected through time. Yet both of these shots are equally impressive and …show more content…

The audience’s reaction to the action scene that was caught in both of these pictures. What is so unique about this is that Shaw is known for preferring shots that allow the background to be filled with few distractions to concentrate on the main subject. On the other hand, Leifer is known for using special techniques to emphasize the background. Creating a depth of field that includes so much of the background is not an easy feat, especially when it must be a split second decision. So, the fact that both of these backgrounds are so impressive is more than lucky break, but sheer talent. On Ezra’s picture one can see the fans reaction in the background as the ball leaves the players hand. Some are excited and some are desisted just by the thought of the ball going in. both backgrounds capture so much passion. Leifer’s Ali shot has its own unique background. One can see all the other reporters, photographers, and fans standing straight up the see the ending image of the