Does Canada Have A Distinct Identity?

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There are many reasons why Canada is similar to many first world countries, however, does Canada have a distinct identity? Canada is an unique country for it is filled with many diverse ethnicities. Canada plays a distinct role of peacekeepers by helping and protecting many countries in times of need. Finally, Canada gets its identity from individuals living around the world for they give Canada its characteristics. This essay will show that Canada does have a distinct identity and is shown through multicultural people living in Canada, Canada 's role as peacekeepers, and the characteristics the world gives Canada. Canada is a country bordering north of the United States and is surrounded by water. Canada is an immense country that consists of ten provinces and three territories. The people living in Canada are very diverse and are influenced by many cultures and religions. Canada’s distinct identity revolves around Canadians. …show more content…

Along with multiculturalism, Canada is also known for their peacekeeping. Canada began peacekeeping in the fifties when Lester Pearson, Canada 's ambassador to the United Nations implied that the organization might create a peacekeeping force. The force is implemented whenever there is a war in a country and helps in negotiating an alternative solution. Canada is known for peacekeeping as "Canada has sent over 120,000 troops as part of UN peacekeeping missions" over the years, showing that peacekeeping is one of Canada 's identity. Furthermore, Canada "has the 2nd highest peacekeeping fatality with 114 fatalities," additionally proving Canada takes peacekeeping very seriously. Finally, the world recognizes Canadian as peacekeepers as in 1988 the "Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to UN peacekeepers, [and] 80,000 Canadian military personnel shared in the honor." Therefore, peacekeeping plays a major role in Canada 's national identity, however, another distinct identity is how the world sees