Why Is Prenatal Care Important

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Prenatal care is the health care you receive when you are pregnant. Doctors are able to spot health problems early when mothers are seen regularly. Mothers who do not receive prenatal care are more likely to have a low birth weight babies and babies are five times more likely to die than those born to mothers who receive prenatal care. They have the risk of developing complications that go undetected and may not be managed in a timely manner. Learning to prepare your body during pregnancy will enhance a healthier pregnancy. There are five important things that women can do before they are pregnant, this is called preconception health. First mothers need to make sure any medical conditions are under control and vaccinations are up to date. Second, mothers need to seek help for smoking cessation and drinking alcohol. Third, they would need to talk to their doctor about any over the counter drugs and prescriptions they are currently using, since most medicines are not safe during pregnancy. Fourth, women would need to avoid contact with toxic substances or materials in the work and home environment that could be harmful to the fetus. And last and most importantly, women need to take 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid every day before …show more content…

Physiologically changes and preparation for the birthing process are key components of prenatal care as well. For mothers to have a healthy pregnancy, they need to be educated on the changes so that they are accepted. Women need to be taught that during pregnancy mothers are susceptible for more diseases and health issues due to physiological changes made to the body. Such as signs and symptoms of preeclampsia which is high blood pressure protein in the urine after the 20th week. This is a result of the placenta not functioning properly, poor nutrition, high body fat, or insufficient blood flow to the uterus. This condition can have serious effects on the

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