Essay On Professional Collaboration In Counseling

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Professional Collaboration in Counseling
As an independently counselor, counselor needs to collaborative with other mental health professional because they are on their own and do not have a supervisor that will be able to assist them when their client has a crises. A counselor should collaborative with other mental health that are in the same filed to get their feedback before doing a final decision especially when a client has an additional and a co-occurring disorder. Counselor’s that collaborative with other mental health are able to help each other more because they are in the same professional and they might experience what the other counselor is going through. A counselor that is part of a collaborative with other mental health is able to deliver proper services to their client because other counselors have more experience and can guide the counselor to the proper path to provide the proper care. …show more content…

For example a counselor can share an assessment of one of their clients in a multidisciplinary team and the team is able to provide feedback and give suggestions for the treatment. According to the IRIS center “A multidisciplinary team is a group of individuals from multiple disciplines who meet to pursue a common goal, such as evaluating a student for placement in special education or creating an individualized education program (IEP) for a student. Multidisciplinary teams are sometimes referred to as child study teams or student support teams, among other terms. The professional collaboration of a multidisciplinary team helps ensure that their work regarding students is comprehensive and as unbiased as possible.” Therefore, a multidisciplinary team is a group of individual that help with special needs to assist the client.