School Safety Research Paper

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Schools aren’t safe enough for kids. On April 20th, 1999, there was a school shooting at Columbine High School. 13 people died, 12 students and 1 teacher (CNN). That was because they didn’t have any safety procedures to follow. They all went under tables. Some schools are still like that, but a good example of a useful procedure is Jewett Middle School outside of Tampa, Florida. There were daily night events for the teachers to train them how to take down an armed person (FOX NEWS). But that is just one school. Preparing for a code red lockdown, students need to know what to do, teachers need to get training, and some schools need to get different procedures in order for everybody to be safe. When there is a lockdown in a school, getting in a room and securing the area is your number one priority. The steps that you need to do to secure the area is clear the hallways, barricade the doors, block the windows, and take attendance quietly in the classroom. If you are a student in the hallway or bathroom, go to the nearest classroom. If you are a teacher …show more content…

They had a strategy called “duck and cover” (Lee). That strategy was not safe enough for kids because 13 people died. There should be different procedures in schools instead of duck and cover. Duck and cover is a strategy for a lockdown where you hide under a table and cover your head. You don’t do anything when the shooter comes in the room. You sit there and wait to die. In 19 years we still haven’t progressed with these procedures. We only have a little difference now days, which is that we hide in a corner instead of in the open under the table where the shooter can see you. But that is still not good enough. Like in the second paragraph, students need something to defend themselves with just in case the shooter comes in the classroom. The procedures at schools need to be different because too many kids are