
Essay On Should Schools Have Dress Codes

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Are Dress Codes Needed In Highscools? Should dress codes exist in high schools? Dress codes were first included in high schools in 1969 due to students wearing all black to protest against the Vietnam War. Having a dress code may be a great idea to some, but an unfortunate thing for others. Many would say dress codes in high school are to ensure appropriateness, on the other hand, they could be inconsiderate. In high schools dress codes should not exist, because it prohibits an individual’s identity, uniqueness, and other personal affiliations. Dress codes in high school vary depending on the school and district. By dress codes being so strict most times, they do not accommodate students for personal reasons. According to the …show more content…

Although some of those reasons may be great points, it has been proven that they are not rational. In the article “Should Dress Codes Have Dress Codes” it is mentioned that; One may say dress codes make things easier for those who do not have money. High schoolers today have jobs, making it possible to buy their clothes (Bugg and Rowland 3). Most high schoolers in high school have taken the responsibility of buying a lot of their belongings. With jobs, they can purchase the attire they desire to wear. Some also feel dress codes help prevent bullying in schools. An article titled “Should dress codes have dress codes'' mentions that most feel dress codes prevent bullying in schools. Overall it has been proven that dress codes do not prevent bullying, bullying happens with or without dress codes (Bugg and Rowland 3). Students get bullied for the way they may appear, poor hygiene, etc; there are other reasons for bullying, not just dress. Some may think dress codes help students focus more in class. In reality, it does not; schools with no dress codes do just as well or even better than schools that do have dress codes (Bugg and Rowland 1-2). The way students dress does not distract them, what distracts them is their peers sometimes and even their phones. Studies show that students without dress codes …show more content…

A good reason schools have dress codes is because they want a certain look. From an article titled “ Should Schools Have Dress Codes?” The author stated that the push for school uniforms is driven by commercial interest, rather than educational ones”(Bugg and Rowland 1). This piece from the article supports the fact that schools go for a certain look when it comes to codes. In high schools, students are starting to work and make their own money, making it easier for the parents. In the article “Schools Dress Codes Aren’t Fair To Everyone” Pendharkar states that Students in high school work, making it possible to supply themselves with their desired attire. This proves that students will be able to buy their clothes, and not have to worry about not having nice things. Parents will also have a task lifted off them since the child will be working and making money of their own. In high school everyone is mature and all grown up. They also have the responsibility of setting a good or bad reputation for themselves. In the article “Pros and cons of schools dress code” the authors include that high schoolers should know what to wear in a public setting, and what not to wear. Teens are responsible for the reputation they set for themselves. This evidence from the text subsides the idea that teens are mature at this age. They know what they should wear and what they should not. Parents

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