1.2 Explain The Purpose Of The Intervention

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The main purpose of the intervention was for one to learn and inform the children of what is happening around them and how to tackle the problems they encounter in their school facility. The purpose was for one to help the children understand the concepts, which are different as per group. The intervention was also meant for us as student to be able to relate or familiarise ourselves with what happens to others and how can one help to prevent such from happening in the future even if you cannot such not happening. Another purpose that the intervention was for, it is making sure that the learners enjoyed themselves while they learnt. It was for making sure that they know they can count on someone to help when they have a problem or they are facing difficulties and to teach them to differentiate from wrong to correct behaviour. DESCRIBE THE CONTENT OF THE SESSION (PROCESS, ACTION TAKEN): With regards to the process, we set the kids down and explained that the things we are going to do are purely not harmful, physically, but some emotion might be evoked by what is going to happen. We explained that they are taking part out of their own accord and no one is going to force …show more content…

PERCEPTION BEFORE AND NOW – When growing up I used to think that social workers just sits in their office and wait for people who have problems to consult them and seek help. Even if it was like that, but when they do get a consultation they are faced with a lot of social issues which they cannot solve alone. For an example let’s take the rate of unemployment in South Africa. When we are living in times so hard, many families struggle just to get food for the day, and I mean healthy meals not just food for consummation. It is really sad to have realised that these social professionals are faced with a problem that needs all of us to tackle. There is something that someone can do to help always. Giving something that someone else needs is not a waste but lending a helping hand to many that