
Essay On Something Wicked This Way Comes And The Martian Chronicles By Ray Bradbury

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Ray Bradbury is a man who published many works and still influences our literary world even through death. Bradbury wrote works in many different genres including science fiction and fantasy. His most popular novel is Fahrenheit 451, while he is also known for numerous other works such as Something Wicked This Way Comes and The Martian Chronicles. Ray Bradbury has published over thirty books and more than six hundred short stories. Bradbury has written so many literary works that he has garnered a number of awards including the Henry Prize, the Benjamin Franklin Award, and the World Fantasy Award for Lifetime Achievement. Bradbury was born in August of 1920 and lived for nearly ninety-two very successful years. Despite Bradbury dying in 2012, …show more content…

The tones in Bradbury's writings tend to be more on the somber or tense side. He has very melancholic characters who are facing internal conflict as well as the external conflict his story focuses on. Bradbury uses a number of literary devices, including similes, metaphors, and especially personification. Bradbury frequently tells stories through personification, with the plethora of uses throughout all of his works. He uses imagery to help the reader imagine the world he has created in his story so one can better understand the characters, their feelings and conflicts. The characters Bradbury creates are all remarkably similar in their feelings, tones and actions. Many of his characters are devoid of any positive emotion, and instead are filled with feelings such as sadness, despair, anger, paranoia, and indifference. These characters and their feelings help set the mood of the story; and, paired together, they set the tone of the story which usually tends to be bleak, dreary, or dreadful. His characters also tend to be anxious, as if waiting for the worst to happen– which usually does, at some point in the …show more content…

Most if not all of his characters share the same characteristics and emotions. In “Dark They Were & Golden Eyed,” Bradbury writes his main character as a paranoid man with a near constant downcast mood. “Something made him check everything each morning– warm hearth, potted blood geraniums– precisely as if he expected something to be amiss.” Mr. Bittering shows his paranoia through his insistence that something is wrong with Mars and all the things of Mars. He uses caution when it comes to anything related to Mars and this affects his mood in a negative way. The paranoia and stress weigh on him heavily causing his overall mental health to plummet along with any feeling of happiness or relief he knows. In the story “All Summer In A Day,” the main character, Margot, is a young girl who seems to be in an apathetic and depressive state. Margot rarely expresses any interest or enjoyment in any day to day activities and even excludes herself from the other children’s games. These qualities are shown in the following quote, “And this was because she would play no games with them in the echoing tunnels of the underground city. If they tagged her and ran, she stood blinking after them and did not follow. When the class sang songs about happiness and life and games her lips barely moved.” Margot is this way because of the near never ending rain that exists on planet

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