Essay On Southern Sayings

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Lemonade has ran a close second for favorite Southern drink for a number of years. Whether it is sugar free, strawberry, or frozen, it is always a perfect go-to drink on a scorching- hot summer day. Even though many people can classify lemonade as their favorite drink, unless they make it on their own they probably disregard the process it takes in order to have a tall glass; there is no lemonade without lemons. On the list of witty Southern sayings is one that makes one stop and think: “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” A simple phrase that can have many different meanings to certain individuals. Many times as individuals, we tend to lose track of the greater purpose in life. Having a positive outlook is sure to bring more happiness and peace. It is very easy to get caught up in all of the evil things that happen in the world on a daily basis. Although it takes a conscious effort every morning, it is also very easy to have a shining smile on your face throughout the day. Constantly remembering how blessed you are and how much worse things could be can change the entire outlook of the day and the days to come. It is impossible to have lemonade without lemons; likewise, it is impossible to have a happy life without a positive attitude. …show more content…

Lemons usually tend to be very sour; almost too sour to eat by themselves. On the other hand, lemonade is one of the sweetest drinks there is. Just like lemons, the world can be sour. It can throw curveballs that were never expected or anticipated. It can leave one feeling hopeless, insecure, and very unsure of their future. Instead of dwelling on the wrongs of life and worrying about what could have been done differently, learn to take life as it comes. Whether it be a job rejection, a failing test grade, or even personal problems, it is always best to tweak the situation as much as possible in order to have a greater outcome and a better