Essay About Starvation In The Ghetto

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Starvation in the Ghettos Do ever wonder how hard it was for people to not starve to death in the ghettos? Well, it was very challenging because you’re starving and can have no clothes in the winter. Also, life in the camps and ghettos were not very fun. People of the ghettos were starving and being fed a very little amount of food. Most of the people in the ghettos would have to smuggle, trade, or buy food. These people couldn’t survive off of the food that was given because they would live on 180 grams of bread, 220 grams of sugar, 1 kg. of jam, etc. These people were so weak from starvation if they were too weak to work they would be executed. Even though people smuggled food into the ghetto some of them would still end up losing their lives. “between October 1940 and July 1942 around 92,000 of Jewish residents of the ghetto died of starvation, diseases and cold, which accounted for nearly 20% of the entire population”(Gasior 3). Some things that people would be able to purchase were small amounts of bread, potatoes, and fat. “Everyone would get two or three thin slices. We called it slide sausage. Why slide? Because we would put it on a piece of bread and smell the sausage Before we took a bite, we would slide it away, so …show more content…

Some victims of the holocaust were too weak to even walk they would see people fall to the ground and not get back up. Now the biggest reason they’re not getting up is that they can’t it is to hard for them to do that because of starvation. Now at this point you’re probably thinking why doesn’t someone help them up well the reason they are scared that will happen to them also if they attempt. The main reason people became weak is of course starvation but also no food like eggs or a drink like milk they couldn’t get their hands on. Now not having those types of things makes your bones weak and causes you to fall over and make you