Essay On Summer Break At Anna High School

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Many students eagerly await the end of the school year so they can begin their summer break. Whether they are going on vacation or looking forward to internships, they are ready to finally get a break from the constant, repetitive institution that is school, but that freedom is being threatened. Some are proposing that school be year-round with no summer break whatsoever during the year, but that idea is flawed for a variety of reasons. At Anna High School, which currently follows the traditional American school year with 180 days and a summer break of 10–12 weeks, maintaining this summer schedule should be crucial. Not only does it allow students to gain valuable job experience and explore potential career paths, but it also provides a much-needed …show more content…

Summer vacation also provides students with an essential opportunity to recharge and enjoy a much-needed break from the stress of academic life, which could be achieved by maintaining the traditional summer vacation schedule at Anna High School. This is established by dramatically improved behaviors at home by students that some parents, like Danny Westneat, are taking note of. In his online column from a regional newspaper, Danny notes that "when school ended two weeks ago, I noticed my kids seemed almost instantly healthier and more engaged with what was going on around them. Less weary" (157). Making it clear that summer vacation is more than just a luxury for students, it's a crucial component of their overall health and happiness, and one that should be preserved at Anna High School. On the other hand, some argue that summer vacation is detrimental to students' academic progress and creates a disadvantage for students from low-income backgrounds. For example, Matthew Yglesias argues that summer vacation results in "massive avoidable inequities in life outcomes and seriously undereducates the population" (159). However, while it is true that summer vacation can be a challenge for families who cannot afford educational programs over the summer, it is also important to take into account the many benefits that a traditional summer break provides. Students need time to recharge and rejuvenate, and summer jobs and other career-related activities can provide valuable learning experiences and help students develop important life skills. Rather than eliminating summer vacation because of this, schools and communities should work to address these “inequities” that arise from a lack of free educational programs during the summer months. By doing so, we can ensure that all