Year Round School Essay

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Should schools convert to a year-round school schedule? Some schools have been questioning whether they should have a schedule that has classes year-round instead of a regular schedule, where there are no classes in the summer. If schools were to have a year-round schedule, this is how it would work. The students would be split into four different groups called tracks. There would be three tracks in school at a time, while the other track would be on a break. The students would get the same amount of time off as a school that has a normal schedule, but the breaks would be spread out throughout the school year. Some say that having year-round schooling can be beneficial because students will have less time to forget the materials they learned. …show more content…

Many schools have cited that “year-round schooling can lead to improved test scores” (Brandt 16) for students. Students perform better in school when they are on a year-round schedule and it is shown that they are getting better test scores as well. The students “have less time to forget material” (Goers 3) that they are learning because they are not on a super long break. The long summer break usually results in students forgetting their material, but with the shorter breaks included in year-round schooling, students are more likely to remember the material. If schools want to see an increase in their student’s performance, they should convert to a year-round …show more content…

While year-round schooling could lead to a decrease in family time, the students have frequent breaks where they can spend time with their family and they can see their family after school. The students get “time off during all four seasons, instead of just one” (Emery 32) so they can spend time with their families during their breaks. Although older students could miss out on obtaining a full-time summer job, they could always work a part-time job during the breaks they get during year-round school. The students can still be “taking advantage of traditional breaks” (Goers 6) by working and making money for themselves. While keeping the normal school schedule has some benefits, year-round school is still the best