Essay On Thanksgiving

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I had woken up to the sweet aroma of pumpkin pie dancing through the air and the mesmerizing fall leaves flowing in the wind outside my in-laws house. A time like this only comes on the fourth Thursday of every Novemember known as the holiday Thanksgiving since 1864. This was the first Thanksgiving in 2014 with my new family and newborn daughter. My family consisted of my russian mother who didn’t celebrate the holiday and a father who worked many hours truck driving so Thanksgiving was relativly new to me. There is only two words to describe Thanksgiving that year for me and that would be turkey-lessons. I had known my in-laws for about two years prior of this occation, it was nothing new only that it was my first holiday spent among them. Everyone was dressed comfortably nothing formal and their was a decent amont of family around the house …show more content…

Similarly to Sanders story it is not about the breadmaking but the joy of the mess, laughter, and geniune happiness among family and friends. Having all the ingrediants in front of me and my mother in-law giving me a quick guide and taking off to get all the young ones out of the shower, I was left alone. With the guide in my head, I looked upon the ingrediants as if it was foreign objects and everyones counting on me to make something familiar to everyone. I happen to actually be a vegitarian so when I say it’s torture to put butter inside a turkey I mean it. I mostly looked around to the men in the living room hoping one of them has a sudden urge to cook a turkey. Eventually I rubbed the butter in the turkey, on the skin, and under the skin. Next came the stuffing, luckliey for me the stuffing had already been made the night before, eventually the turkey looked like every Thanksgiving turkey going into the