Essay On The Effects Of British Imperialism

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In addition, British allowed Indians to practice their religion. But they did some stuff that was against their religious beliefs. British created an army that was called Sepoy rebellion which was a native troop. They trained this troop to use their weapons and equipment to be ready for a fight. Soon this troop became larger and the British became more powerful to take over more parts of India. Enfield rifle was a gun and its cartridges made of beef and pig fat to be bitten off before using it. This gun was made in Britain and they wanted Sepoy rebellion to use it. Cows are sacred for Indians and pig is unclean for Muslims so they didn’t want to use this gun. The British knew these stuff but they didn’t care. If somebody refused to use it they went to jail. It was disrespecting and destroying Indians believes and culture (Cleary).
The positive side of a cultural …show more content…

Based on Effects of British Imperialism on India, Indian products were the best in the world when British ruled there. After the industrial revolution, British passed a law that Indians cannot sale their goods around the world, and even in India. They should buy only British goods. (Effects, 1) That was a big loss and a long term impact for Indians because they lost their industrial jobs. They were forced to work in British farms to grow cotton, tea, jute and other materials. The British imported clothe machine from England to India. They made clothes in India and sold it in cheap price. A lot of people became jobless and homeless. Those who lost their manufacturing job most of them didn’t become in power ever and that poverty continues from generation to generation. Poverty still exist in India. The British increased taxes, but there were less job areas. People worked hard in the British farms, but they earn less amount of money. The British wanted to make goods in cheap prices in India and sold it for higher prices in and outside of

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