On Tuesday September 11, 2001 an American airplane crashed into the North tower of the world trade center in New York. Nearly 18 minutes later it was reported that another plane had crashed into the south tower causing a massive collision of both towers that soon turned into a massive explosion. That wasn’t it, there was also a third and fourth plane. The third plane hit the pentagon in Arlington,Virginia, just outside of Washington DC.The fourth plane crashed into an open field in Pennsylvania. It was said that the attackers were islamic terrorists from the organization known as al-Qaeda. They came from several Arab nations and were thought to have attacked under the command of Osama Bin Laden. A terrorist attack of such could impact our domestic …show more content…
Americans' response impacted our foreign policy by making it have a more aggressive approach foreignly as a way to stop similar terrorist attacks towards America. Following the concerning event of the surprise attack on 9/11, the US felt that they needed to take further precautions foreignly to protect their land from terrorists who might propose similar attacks. According to the US Congress, after the attack America was authorized to use all necessary force against any nations, organizations, or persons who had anything to do with the 9/11 attack (US Congress). Inorder for the US to prevent any further destruction from occurring on their land due to terrorists, they authorized the president with all the power to use any amount of appropriate force against anyone who had anything to do with the attack. The US wanted to be able to have control over anyone who could have similar bad intentions against the US, which were probably the people who had to do with the attack; muslim, arab, terrorists. America took the whole using any amount of force against the people who had to do with the attack further. They started torturing people foreignly inorder to get information about the attack out of them. The thing was, most of these people were innocent and had nothing to do with the attack. America’s response to 9/11 also impacted our foreign policy in another way. It made the US …show more content…
Americans' response impacted our domestic policy by making it drastically increase hate crimes against muslims which included spying on innocent muslims and invading their privacy. As Americans reflected on the attack they began generalizing the situation and started looking at all muslims as terrorists. They thought that muslims hid information and needed to be searched even without any relevant evidence that these people had anything to do with it. According to the ACLU ”FBI ordered an informant to pose as a muslim convert and spy on the congregants of several large, diverse mosques (ACLU). By what the US was doing they were invading the privacy of innocent muslims who had nothing to do with the situation. These muslims never knew that they were being spied on, so when they shared personal stuff to the imam they thought that only the imam would know, but little did they know the spies could leak their private information to everyone. It was such an unfair way for innocent muslims to get treated. The US basically fooled them and deceived them without any right to; since they didn’t have proof that showed that spying on muslims was necessary. It was just the generalization that they created that led them to do that, but them generalizing all muslims to be terrorists didn’t make sense. Just because one group of muslims were terrorists didn’t mean that all