Essay On The Scottsboro Trials

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There have been many rivalries over the years between Blacks and Whites. With white people acting as if they were superior to black people simply because of their skin color, and with white people treating black people as animals rather than human. They could have just used the zombie drug, it worked just fine. Humans in general have a tendency to segregate themselves from each other, whether it be skin color, the type of music they like to listen to, intelligence, or anything else, there is no excusable reason to force people to segregate. The Scottsboro trials challenged every known thought of black men and boys back in that time, and the impact it left was legendary. To start, let us talk about the entitled white folk down in the South who became rather infamous from there on out. It was obvious at that time, as it still is now, that the South is a little more …show more content…

They marched down the streets holding up signs that declared that no one color was better than the other. One popular slogan was, “Black and White unite and fight!”. With this sprout of random fame came the mothers, going on tour talking about their sons, and empowering blacks and non-racist whites as they went. Ruby Bates joined the mothers, apologized for lying, and blamed it all on Victoria Price, the nasty witch. The Scottsboro Trials obviously had one of the biggest impacts on our history that any trial has had. It moved us forward as a nation, and humbled those darn Southerns just a bit. The Scottsboro trials challenged every known thought of black men and boys back in that time, and the impact it left was legendary. These trials effectively showed the world what tirants the Southern white population was, gave the first fair white/black trials and desegregated a courtroom, and united the white and black population. This was truly an amazing event in our country’s