
Essay On Tom Robinson Trial

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Tom Robinson Found Guilty Last weekend, despite his lawyer’s attempts, Tom Robinson was found guilty of taking advantage of Mayella Ewell. Robinson was accused by Robert Ewell of raping and beating his daughter Mayella Ewell. Robinson is a Negro and lives by the town dump with his wife and children.The witnesses called to the stand were Heck Tate, the county sheriff, and Bob and Mayella Ewell. Tate’s testimony was that he was called by Ewell on the night of November twenty-first. He found Mayella lying on the floor in the front room, beat up. He asked her if Robinson had beat her up like that, and she said yes. He told Finch that when he took her down to the Robinson house, she identified him as the one that beat her up, so he took him …show more content…

He said there were bruises on her arms and on the right side of her face, including her eye. Finch asked him if there were any other injuries, and Tate answered that there were finger marks all around her neck. This was the end of his testimony, and the judge called up Bob Ewell to testify. Horace Gilmer, the prosecutor, asked Ewell what he was doing the night of the twenty-first. Ewell replied that just before sundown, he had come from the woods with kindling and heard Mayella screaming inside the house. He ran up to the window and he claimed that he saw Robinson taking advantage of his daughter. He ran around the house to get in, and Robinson was already running out. He ran for the sheriff as quick as he could. Finch asked if he could ask him a few questions. He asked if he had called for a doctor, if he was concerned with his daughter’s physical condition. …show more content…

Mayella replied that there was, and told him to step on a chair to get a box from the top of a chifforobe. He did as she said, and got up onto the chair. He claimed she grabbed him around the legs, scared him so hard that he hopped down from the chair, and jumped on him. Robinson’s lawyer asked him if she jumped on him violently. Robinson denied it, and told him that she hadn’t. She had hugged him around the waist. He then went on to narrate what happened next. “She reached up an’ kissed me ‘side of the’ face. She says she never kissed a grown man before an’ she might as well kiss a nigger. She says what her papa do to her don’t count. She says, ‘Kiss me back, nigger.’” And that he had tried to run, and didn’t want to hurt her, and heard Ewell yelling through the

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