
Bob Ewell Trial

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THE INTRODUCTION Good day, my name is Benjamin Rudolph, and I am proud of representing the state of Maycomb and serving as a prosecutor on this case. On November 21, 1935, at the Ewell residence home, Bob Ewell lied to Heck Tate about seeing Tom Robinson raping his daughter Mayella Ewell. When in fact it was the other way around. And on August 26, 1936, Bob Ewell lied about being ambidextrous. THE THEME AND THEORY The theme of this trail is Bob Ewells deep rooted tendency to lie. The theory is that Bob Ewell is and was spreading false accusations. PARTIES The essential people- Bob Ewell, Mayella Ewell, Tom Robinson, Sheriff Heck Tate Telling the story- Mr. Bob Ewell heard Mayella's scream so he ran to the window and claimed he saw Tom Robinson raping his daughter Mayella. As Bob entered the house, Tom ran away through the back …show more content…

ISSUE Bob Ewell was making false accusations EVIDENCE The first piece of evidence is (Lee 192)when Sheriff Heck Tate describes the injuries of Mayella Ewell along with the damage to their house. The second piece of evidence (Lee 199) is that when Atticus questions Bob Ewell about not getting a doctor when he ran to get sherif Tate. The third piece of evidence (Lee 200) is when Bob Ewell agrees with Mr.Tate description of the injuries and damages. The fourth piece of evidence (Lee 202) is when Bob Ewell says he can use one hand just as good as the other. The fifth piece of evidence (Lee 210) is when Mayella stuttered at the question “Do you remember Tom Robinson hitting you?) The final piece of evidence (Lee 221) is when Tom Robinson says he didn’t rape or hurt Mayella Ewell. BASIS OR GUILT We today will tell you why Mr. Bob Ewell is a liar and spreading false accusations. In his actions, words, and lies that he spreads. ANTICIPATE THE DEFENSE

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