Epistemological Perspectives Of Rationalism Essay

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In this paper, I will be providing the three different epistemological perspectives of Rationalism, Empiricism, and Religious. I would also be analysing each one individually to explained how all of this perspective surround the topic of Global Warming argument for their point of view. I would also be using personal opinions from different individuals on the internet regardless on the validity of their argument.

DL Epistemology: Global Warming

For the Rationalism perspective of global warming, I used an argument on the website Debate.org to portray it. The Argument explained that overwhelming scientific consensus says human activity is primarily responsible for global climate change. According to the argument in the 2010 Anderegg study, …show more content…

In his argument, Klings’ explained that basically, he believe that the best evidence for global warming is global warming. He explained that one of examples that support his argument is the rise in observed temperatures, which is the most important data. He explained that rise began around 1900, and amounted to about 0.3 degrees centigrade by 1940. Temperatures leveled off until 1980, and since then they are up 0.4 degrees centigrade. He explained that the .04 degrees centigrade increase is due to much more of the human activity that has occurred in the last 20 years then took place between 1900 and 1940. Also much more of the greenhouse gas layer on earth consists of either water vapor or pre-industrial levels of carbon dioxide. Kling further explained that the link between human activity and global warming depends not on simple, obvious relationships in the data. It depends entirely on climate models of how these tiny (relative to the overall volume of greenhouse gases) human activities produce "feedback loops" on the rest. They are models of how much less than one percent of a phenomenon affects the entire phenomenon. He states at the end of his argument that he believes that average temperatures have been rising.That he has no reason to believe that they will stop rising. However, the most sensible position an empiricist can take is that human