
Controversy: Is Global Warming Real?

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Global warming is starting to become a huge controversy. Over 30,000 scientists have been trying to determine if global warming is real (“Is Global Warming Real? Conserve Energy Future”). I chose this topic because I know a lot of people debate about global warming and what could happen, so I decided to learn more about this topic. It is important to know this information because scientists are predicting global warming could cause many natural disasters in our future. Today, I am going to try and persuade you that global warming is real, and could be a leading cause of many natural disasters and tragedies in our future. I will do this by first, looking at global warming and why it could be a problem in the future. Second, by looking at ways …show more content…

There is some evidence for both sides but not enough to be able to make a conclusion about climate change. Global warming has been a huge controversial topic. All over the globe there are signs that the earth is warming. There are many arguments for and against climate change. Many scientist say that the rise in sea level contributes to climate change. It is rising all over the world, mainly because of all the ice caps melting. Sea levels rose 6.7 inches over the last century. Scientists say that the ice caps are melting because of the rise in the earth’s temperature (“Is Global Warming Real? Conserve Energy Future”). A study showed that Greenland lost 30-60 cubic miles of ice every year for 6 years straight (“Is Global Warming Real? Conserve Energy Future”). More and more vehicles are being used by year and are emitting greenhouse gases. This is causing the oceans to become more acidic, resulting in oceans heating and massive fish deaths (“Is Global Warming Real? Conserve Energy Future”). The earths temperatures has risen more than 1 degree Fahrenheit over the century. Temps have still circulated over the seasons and time of day. Fortunately, scientists have temperature records from thousands of years ago (“Is Global Warming Real? National Geographic”). It is important to know about global warming because it can make a big impact on the earth in our future. Global warming is becoming a problem because the earth has warmed 1 degree Celsius since the 1950’s (Koebler). Global warming is causing only minor problems now, including increased rainfall (“Climate Change: How Do We Know?”). Scientists are also predicting more natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes can be caused by global warming in the future. The whole earth is affected by global warming. I’ve told you about the problems surrounding global warming, now let’s look at how we can change this for the better. We could prevent

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