Essay On Veterinarian Medicine

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Veterinarian medicine requires immense knowledge on many different animals’ structures and how they think. Since veterinarian medicine requires extensive knowledge, going to college is a worthy investment because you have to know about the equipment and animals you are working with. Before students go off to college, there are a few things they could do to stand out and have a higher chance of getting into the college of their choice. When students are in high school looking at colleges, they start to realize colleges do not accept everyone who applies. Some things students could do to stand out would be job shadowing veterinarians to see if that’s something they would really want to do. Students could also work on a farm or at an animal …show more content…

Around 75% of people attending the college have their own vehicle. University of Illinois was founded in 1867 and it is 1,783 acres. There are more than 1,000 student clubs and it is ranked 52 out of the national universities. There are 57 different house sororities students could live in and they all have the same prices to live in. Sororities help students grow closer to people at the school and branch out to make new friends. In addition to Sororities, there are also intramural sports students can sign up for like volleyball, archery, fencing, theater, and dance. These also help students meet new people. There are 17 different varsity sports at University of Illinois. There are sports students can do, but there is also a number of other activities that one can participate in. University of Illinois holds many traditions that students participate in every year like basketball and football season. The cheer section at the games is one of the largest groups on campus and they call the student section Block I. The games are a chance for you to show off your school colors and spirit. During the football games out of the year, the students hold Orange Krush fundraisers to help raise money for charities. The marching band at football games have