
Essay On Whistleblowing

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Whistleblowing is defined as “The disclosure by a person, usually an employee in a government agency or private enterprise, to the public or to those in authority, of mismanagement, corruption, illegality, or some other wrongdoing”. They are two types of whistle blower which are some helpful and others that just cause problems.
The main problems in this issue arise when it comes to the question of morality and rights. This is because a whistle blower is someone who has purposely shared information that for some reason was not shared or not supposed to be shared. Protection of whistleblowers may also be provided for by specific provisions in different laws, such as in the criminal code, labour laws or laws regulating public servants labour law may protect workers against retaliation by employers when they report work-related Offences and in some countries laws regulating public servants contain Provisions aimed at protecting public servants who report wrongdoing in or Relating to the public sector from reprisals.
“Carlos Alberto Cardose, a Mozambican journalist, was assassinated in November 2000 while investigating the country’s largest bank fraud. His inquiries were prompted by certain disclosures made to him. In 2001, the Nigerian Attorney-General, Chief Bola Inge, gave a paper at the 10th International Anti-Corruption Conference in …show more content…

The report says that “national-security institutions enjoy secrecy “as a norm of behavior” but notes that disclosure offences and secrecy laws “all but eliminate genuine whistle-blower protection”. Consequently, the report expresses its deep worry for the lack of whistle blower’s protection in the areas of intelligence and national

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