Essay On Why Was The Soviet Union Responsible For The Cold War

475 Words2 Pages

Cheyanne Groom
Cold war The Soviet Union is responsible for starting the Cold War. Whether it be threats, rejection of ideas, or even just different ways of thinking the Soviet Union caused many problem with the US. As tension rises and worry began the Cold war was started.
One of the reasons the Soviet Union was responsible for the Cold War is the expansion of Stalin. As the Soviet Union moved into eastern Europe the US saw this as them trying to build a communist movement. America's response was in defense. After just getting out of WWII “The US still had Hitler on their minds and began to see stalin as a similar threat” (Data set #5 Rebuilding Europe or Iron Curtain.) Some may say that the expansion into eastern Europe was to protect Soviet borders from United states allies, but to the US who was weary of the Soviet Union in the first place this was seen as a threat.
Another thing that the Soviet Union did was object to the Marshall Plan. The US proposed this plan in efforts to help rebuild the Europe and help other countries(Marshall plan.) ” The Soviet Union saw this as the US trying to make allies with theirs and immediately rejected the offer.” The Soviet Union then proposed a new plan, The Molotov Plan. “They pressured there …show more content…

The Soviet Union used communism which was power based on social/political standards and the theory based on a classless society. The US used capitalism as their ideology, “Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals and business firms carry on the production and exchange of goods and services through a complex network of prices and markets”. (data set #1.) Of course each country thinks their ways are right and along the way the US and Soviet Union butted head with this issue. The main problem with this was the red scare which formed in the US, many people thought communism was going to find its way to the US.(Data set

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