
Essay On Working Smarter

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Over the past five years, as companies have downsized, employees have been pushed beyond the limits of a typical 9 to 5 workday. In order to get everything done workers are getting into the office earlier and staying longer than ever. But are these long hours really necessary? If you want to achieve balance in your life and get more accomplished in less time, try working smarter instead of longer. The whole concept of working smarter may seem like an old cliché, but if you can achieve this it will change your life. It takes some effort, but isn't it worth it if your entire working life gets easier? Take the time and the tedium out of almost any task by learning to work smarter. 1. Do a quick assessment of what needs to be done. Before you dive headfirst into the workday, try to temper your enthusiasm and take a measured approach. It is unrealistic to expect your energy level to stay the same throughout the day, and besides, it …show more content…

If you are self-employed, be careful which jobs you accept. When you decide to work with a company that has unreasonable expectations or if the work is outside of your scope, you may end up regretting it. It may be hard to let the money go, but turning down this type of job will free you up for the kind of work you want to do. 7. Re-bid the job if the scope of work changes. Many small business owners will try to accommodate the changing needs of their clients without ever raising the price. This is a mistake, as it sets up a precedent for future jobs. When you find yourself in new territory with a client, do yourself a favor and step back, draw up a re-bid and present it to the client immediately. Before proceeding, be sure the client agrees to pay more than the original bid. 8. Getting more done in less time doesn't mean taking shortcuts on quality. Inexpensive tools and materials are harder to work with and they don't usually hold up. Sometimes it's not worth it to save a few bucks, especially when your reputation is on the

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