Essay Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

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It isn’t fair that College Athletes do so much yet receive so little for their hard work. The majority of college athletes receive scholarships to aid in their education, but they also require additional funding. College athletes should be paid for their hard work, like professional athletes are. These athletes don't have the time in their schedules to work additional jobs and support organizations that use their talent for profit. They should be compensated for the effort and risk they take when playing, after all. College athletes frequently put in a lot of time, effort, and risk, but they don't always receive the credit or compensation they deserve from the NCAA and the schools they represent.
One factor as to why college athletes should …show more content…

An example which is shown how the opposing side proves their claim is "They house you, feed you, clothe you, educate you, give you a living stipend, and you get to explore the world." (My priceless Opportunity paragraphs 2 to 3) An example of how the other side proves their point is "They housed you, fed you, clothed you, educated you, gave you a living and allowed you to explore the world." (Paragraphs 2-3 of My Priceless Opportunity) A common counterpoint to this is that many athletes succeed with the scholarships they receive. It's an understandable comeback; However, many people forget athletes in some cases do not receive a scholarship at all. Not all student-athletes receive scholarships, so finding a job can be difficult. Student athletes have practice and game schedules they must consider before starting work, making it difficult to secure money and jobs. Shared scholarships help students financially throughout college for necessities such as textbooks, equipment, and other things that can help you in academics. Grants are not only used for necessities out of college. Instead, pay college athletes with real money so it allows them to have more of an education while earning money to use for other necessities. Another justification for paying athletes is that they still require more than just a scholarship. Even though they receive scholarships, that doesn't mean they have enough money for