Essay Writing Task 1/8-30-16 Performance Task: Narrative

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Abby Newbould10-30-16 PERFORMANCE TASK: Narrative

Hello, Is this Baileys mother? it is who is this, and why are they calling ?I am the school 's principal, your daughter fainted, she 's not moving and she won 't wake up. Oh, my gosh I 'll be right there I 'm walking out the house right now. I hung up on the principal I don 't understand what 's going on with my child but I believe she will be ok. I called my husband he didn 't pick up I 'm all lonely and I don 't know what to do, so I called the neighbors to take care of my son. I went to the school and there she was lying down on the floor not moving or waking up. I picked Bailey up set her in the rear seat and drove her to the emergency room. The doctor took her to the technician 's room, and he told me that when she wakes up, they will take a test in the MRI machine. The technician said “the people do go nuts in the MRI machine," I said “Bailey will be fine.” After I said that Bailey said her usual “mom” phrase for when I embarrass her. After the MRI test I asked Bailey if she was ok and she said she was fine. The technician told me the results of the MRI test, he said she needs more tests.Bailey has to stay overnight in the main part of the hospital so the nurse …show more content…

Next morning I woke up and suddenly realized that my daughters in the hospital. I got up got dressed went to the car and realized that my car battery was on all night and the car died. I called the nurse to tell her to tell my daughter that my car won 't start. After I got the car towed to the mechanics place, I rented a car to get to the hospital. I was driving just fine, but the I got stuck in traffic. I called the nurse again to give Bailey a note that says I got stuck in traffic. After a few hours of being stuck in traffic, I finally got out and rushed to the hospital. The doctor said my daughter was ok and that she only had a migraine headache. I asked if it was just a fluke. Then Bailey said her usual “mom” again I am so glad my