Essential Nursing Value Essay

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Essential Nursing Values Mallory A. Dabbs Department of Nursing, Mississippi University for Women NU 325 Concepts Utilized in Professional Nursing Mrs. Hannah Gray June 28, 2023

Nursing Values As an individual going into the medical field and knowing the responsibilities nurses have, it is extremely important to have proper values. Values are a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life. (Oxford Languages) Having strong values and beliefs for what to provide for your patients is crucial in patient care. Also values may not always mean personal beliefs and standing firm in what you believe but to hold the …show more content…

Every nursing value is important to have but without the want and heart to care for your patients then you will not have the other ones. Caring is a base value in which all the other values build from. Nursing is a difficult profession and is not always enjoyable from the perspective of others but when a nurse cares for their patient it makes it that much easier. Knowing the work you do can impact so many lives of patients and the patients’ families makes it all worth it. Maya Angelou once said, “As a nurse we have the opportunity to heal the mind, soul, heart, and body of our patients. They may forget your name but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Every person that walks through the doors of your hospital, clinic, etc has feelings and will remember the way you treat them whether that be positive or negative. To be caring is to be patient, mindful, and wanting to see your patient progress and go out to live healthier lives. People do not come to visit nurses for enjoyment or because they love spending time in the hospital. They are here because they need our help and it is crucial that we are there to provide such care …show more content…

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