
Ethan Davis Conflicts

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Ethan Davis: Ethan is 18 years old, and the main protagonist in this book. He is interested in joining the military, and he knows to do the right thing. His family owns slaves, but he regards them more as friends than as servants. He is shy and gets in his head a lot. He tends to overthink things and make them a bigger deal than they really are. Ethan is more of an introvert than an extrovert, and he longs for the approval of his father.


Morgan Davis: Morgan is Ethan’s father. Ethan is in love with a 14 year old orphan named Rachel, but Morgan wants him to marry a girl with status. He tries to sabotage Ethan’s relationship with Rachel. An example of this is revealed in Rachel’s diary. Morgan intercepts the letters and gifts that Ethan and Rachel send each other, which cuts off all communication between them, damaging their relationship. They both think that the …show more content…

Providential: Occurring at a favorable time.
Devotional: Of or used in religious worship
Landau: A horse drawn, four wheeled carriage.

The main conflict in this story is between Ethan and his father. Ethan’s father does not want him to be with Rachel, so he sabotages their relationship. This causes Ethan and Rachel to drift apart, even though they desperately want to be together. This is all the doing of Ethan’s father, who will do anything to get Ethan to marry a girl with more stature than Rachel has.

Plot: This story takes place in antebellum Louisiana in 1856. A friend of Morgan Davis has recently died, so her daughter is in the Davis family’s care. She is 14 year old Rachel. She and Ethan for a friendship, which eventually turns into love. Ethan’s father disapproves of this relationship, because he wants Ethan to marry into a rich family. Morgan attempts to sabotage Ethan’s relationship with Rachel while Ethan is off at school in Virginia training to be in the military. This causes Ethan to resent his father.

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